Pictures and Sketches

On this page you will find pictures and sketches of different kinds of Rock Giants.

If you have any that you would like to share with us, please send them to

 John, 16, Clacton

 William, 14, Colchester

Sarah, 27, Colchester

 Sanja, 13, Romford


 Some website

 Carrie, 11, On holiday in Wales

 John, 15, Southend

 Stone giant model, c1930

 Clip from film

 Picture from book

Large rock in Wyoming that a giant has started to eat


  1. if the school lets us we are allowed to put some photo's on this website. I rate this as 10 out of 10!it is the best website in the world!
    by Layla Sivers xxxxxxxx
    you might remember me from other pages.

  2. trying to see if the meat has gone today. set the trap yesterday in a quiet corner like you told me to.
    by layla sivers xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. it has gone and stones left there!
    by layla sivers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. i am gonna stop looking on this website because there is loads of things I need to do and as well we our not learning about stone giants, we are learning about Saxons and Vikings.
